On the Waterfront – Meet the Members of the Cook Inlet Harbor Safety Committee!
Steve "Vinnie" Catalano is the Director of Operations and Shaylon Cochran is the Director of Communications and Public Outreach at the Cook Inlet Regional Citizens Advisory Council (CIRCAC), and they currently hold the primary and alternate CIRCAC seats on the Cook Inlet Harbor Safety Committee.
Created by Congress under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, the Cook Inlet Regional Citizens Advisory Council serves as a formal mechanism for public participation in the oversight of Cook Inlet's oil industry.
CIRCAC played a key role in the development of the Cook Inlet Marine Risk Assessment that resulted in the Committee's creation. CIRCAC staff serve on the Managing Board of Directors and as voting members, and are proud to support the mission of the Cook Inlet Harbor Safety Committee.
Upcoming Events: Board of Directors meeting Dec. 5 and 6 in Anchorage.