January 2025 Committee Vacancy Announcement
The Cook Inlet Harbor Safety Committee is seeking members to fill a number of vacancies in the Committee's stakeholder seats. The enclosed attachment lists the available seats, the qualifications required to apply, and information for anyone interested in serving on this Committee. Please note the following:
All vacant seats are open for solicitation of interest, regardless of expiration date.
The term length is 3 years, unless filled mid-term.
There are no term limits.
The primary and alternate positions for the Cruise Ship Operators and Small Passenger Vessel Operators seats are currently vacant, while the rest of the listed vacancies are for the alternate seats only.
If you are interested in being considered for appointment to one of these seats, please submit a Letter of Interest and Resume to haley@nukaresearch.com by Thursday, February 6, 2025 for consideration by the CIHSC Managing Board.